Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Enter stranger, but take heed...

You are all invited to Julia's Pity Party!

Location: The corner of Despair and Dissatisfaction. Between the Hookah Bar and the Wrist Cutting Club's building. The name of the place is "Where Dreams Go to Die"

Time: August 26 2009 6 PM until whenever you want to go!

BYOB and Razor blade!

Oh who cares... it's not like anyone is going to come (sad face)

Ok it's not going to be that bad but from here on out this will be a bitchfest. Not just any kind of bitchfest, either: It concerns my family. You have been forewarned.
Phatty and mom have always had a crappy relationship. Every few months Phatty gives up putting up with mom and stops all contact. Cue for mom to: go into victim mode, refuse to acknowledge her part in any of it, (on occasion, usually twice a year) make suicide threats, claim depression, lump all her children together on "Phatty's side" because we are "all against her" since we don't run to her aid, and yell at Little Bro (poor thing still has to live with her).
Realistically this shouldn't affect me. It bothers me, of course. No one LIKES have a dysfunctional family, but I've learned to live with it. It really is none of my concern because they are two grown women and they can talk to whoever they want but here's the problem:
Phatty takes it pretty well when I say "not my business, I don't care to hear it." She understands and agrees. Mom, on the other hand, not so much. She takes my not wanting to hear "it" as a personal attack. It's not her fault so she should get to gripe and whine at me. Now I'm the bad guy because I don't want to listen to anything regarding their immature BS. In her eyes, it's not "their" immature BS. It's all on Phatty. Sure, Phatty is pretty helpful since she doesn't use her fights with mom as a way to fight with me. However, it's really damn unhelpful when she gets a new cell phone number and tells me "don't give it to mom." Yeah... um... Thanks sis. Mom isn't going to ask me for it or anything (and that's when the above argument ensued). I understand Phatty needs to do this to preserve her sanity. Heck, sometimes I wish I was tough enough to cut off contact too. My sister's sanity often comes at the expense of my own.
It is very taxing to try to keep the peace in MY life when I have to deal with a woman who isn't happy unless she's miserable. This struggle is worse when Phatty is giving my mom every damn reason to be angry. Normally I can at least bitch to Phatty about it, but I can't right now so I'm left dealing with it on my own.
You see, Phatty has a lot on her plate right now. In the past year she lost her best friend, had a baby (#3), my big brother left the country, she moved to the middle of nowhere, money is tight (well, that's everyone), and she's had a nightmare of a person come back in her life.
That's the whole year, as of this month there's a chance Baby Buttface is deaf in one ear, Little Turd might be too, oh! And she just found out that at least Buttface (it could be all of them) has high levels of lead in her system. Unfortunately for me I'm a decent sister (not the best) so I'm not about to go complain to her about mom when she's dealing with this much already. After all, the reason I'm dealing with this is because she can't right now.
This, however, leaves me going a bit insane with no one to talk to. I'll get over it, for sure. Mom isn't doing anything that I didn't expect but it definitely gets old. My mom is just so much to deal with. For goodness' sakes, her pseudo-boyfriend even told me yesterday he'd never marry her because of how she is! I'm not nuts and I'm not a bitch, well, not in this regard anyway. Phatty is the only person I can talk to about it and she's currently out of the question as far as receptor of my strife.
I'll just continue to do what I always do. Keep busy, wait for it to blow over (mom's anger at ME!), and eventually act like nothing ever happened. Yeah, that last bit I learned from her.