Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The ridiculous things my family does

Subtitle: The death of the iPhone.

The characters:

Ingenious brother in law
Monster child
Newly purchased iPhone
Oldest child
Baby Buttface
Random bystander

The setting: Large body of water

Once upon a time a woman named Phatty and her husband, ingenious brother-in-law, decided to take their kids to the river on a hot summer day. They packed up all the necessities for their children Oldest child, Monster child, and Baby Buttface. Along with their other equipment Phatty decided it'd be wise to place their newly purchased iPhones in individual plastic baggies to protect them from the splashing that is bound to take place during recreational activities by large bodies of water.
Upon their arrival at said large body of water ingenious brother-in-law, for unknown reasons, decided to take his newly purchased iPhone out of the baggie. Note that the iPhone is sensitive enough that one can still utilize it through a plastic baggie.
They set up camp and placed BabyButtface in her stroller. Ingenious brother-in-law placed the newly purchased iPhone in the cup holder attached to their stroller. Missing this bit of information, Phatty edged the strolled into the water so Baby Buttface could get her feet wet and splash the water in the adorable way babies do.

At some point while the grown ups weren't paying attention Monster child decided that atop the stroller there was something he needed at once. In the process of acquiring whatever object that was it seems Monster Child knocked newly purchased iPhone into the water.
It must have been several minutes before some random bystander pointed and said "Hey! Your phone is in the water!"

Rest in P... Wait, what? It doesn't end there?

Indeed it does not. Onto the second part of this story.
The day came to an end. Phatty and ingenious brother-in-law packed up both children and belongings and they drove off. In an attempt to dry the phone ingenious brother-in-law decided it was a good idea to hold the phone out the window. Let it be said that on this particular day it was about 115F out and the heat alone would have been enough to evaporate any water trapped within the phone, provided the phone was still at a salvageable point. It is unknown whether it was Phatty or Ingenious brother-in-law that was holding the phone but either way whoever it was dropped it causing a severe case of technological death.

Rest in Peace newly purchased iPhone. You had a short life, but a good one.