Get your mind out of the gutter!

Ch ch ch check it out!
I got my ears pierced again on Friday. Oh yea. No one knows yet... well, sort of. I told Little Brother because I was excited but he hardly counts. I'm going to wait it out and see who notices. I spent all of Friday with my mom and she didn't notice. Neither did my sister when she stopped by and Butthole didn't notice last night and I even had my hair up and in a pony tail! Turd :P Still... I'm enjoying my sweet little secret.
It was very much a "whim" situation. I woke up Friday morning, I took Spazzpup on a walk, and I went to the tattoo shop to pay Crankie a visit. While my industrial is still a bit sensitive it's healing well and looks good per her report. It turns out she doesn't do stud piercings on earlobes but I decided to go for it. It's a bigger gauge than my other two (16) but I figured it would look a bit different and if anything I can put a regular earring (20 gauge) in and the hole will shrink.
Compared to a cartilage piercing these were a breeze, though they are a bit sore so I'm definitely sleeping on my back -no exceptions- right now. It's all gravy, baby.
I might do more some time but for now I think this will be it.
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