Monday, March 8, 2010

Vuelve el perro arrepentido....

Alright, alright, I'll write. I don't know why I haven't. I guess unless I have something to bitch about I have nothing to say. I say: that's a damn shame. I should have lots of good things to say. Frankly I blame sheer filthy laziness. Anyway... after my last hormonal rampage I've been feeling a lot better. Things are looking decently up even if they aren't up.
My mom and I are still not speaking but so be it. Last week she tried to talk to me as if nothing had ever happened and managed to anger me more than hurt me. I spoke to Nalga and told him we weren't speaking and he asked why. I told him I have no need for a parent who sees me as a burden on her life. There it is. That's how it is. I can't change that. I'm not going to continue to try to force a relationship. Some people want to be miserable. My mom is one of those people. It still sucks, but what am I to do? I watched the movie "Every body's Fine" and it made me cry. It sucks not having a family. It sucks that I don't have a great dad and a great mom. But such is life and I'll move forward. I can only do better.
Phatty and BIL keep fighting and it makes me sad. I hate it and I hate that they aren't happy. I don't care what she says: they aren't happy. I hate that they treat each other poorly and it scares me that the kids might suffer because of it.
Butthole and I are... great. Great, great, great. As good as ever. We talked. We texted. We cried. Ok, I cried. We figured it out. We figured out our problem and the solution and we're going to be fine. It'll be rough but we'll be fine. He's great. We're great. I'm happy. I managed to get myself banned from his apartment in College City but I'm happy.
As for the gym and my fat butt: I've been doing pretty good. I'll get measured again at the end of this week to see my progress on my new work out. I think I may have a lost an inch here and there which is very exciting. Also last week I managed to run 3 miles in 27 min and then some! I'm thinking of signing up to run a 5K. ... Maybe.
I've also been hanging out with Adopted Little Brother which makes me very happy. Last night we went bowling and to Joe's Crab Shack. His friends made me feel old. He turned 19 today. His girlfriend is still in high school. Bleh. I felt like such an old fart.
I finished reading Wuthering Heights and now I'm treating my brain to The Lovely Bones. A much needed literary break for my addled brain. I've been working steadily through the classics and it has been quite a work out. I'm giving my brain a cookie.
Such is my life. There's good; there's bad; there's ugly; but I like it. I'm happy. Things are ok.