Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The attack.

This morning I was walking Spazzpup when we walked by a house with two Weimaraners. They were running towards the gate as I thought: "Oh cool! Weimaraners! How cute!" Then their gate burst open. Awe turned into hesitation as these prancing beasts headed towards me.
It wasn't one, but TWO dogs. I don't know what you know about Weimaraners but them mother suckers are STRONG. Sweet, sure, but if they aren't friendly they can do some serious damage.
Here these giants come at us and I'm trying to figure out what's gonna happen when SOMEONE starts barking and growling. I'm pretty sure it was Spazzpup because she can be a bit of a territorial PITA at times- especially when two dogs are coming at her at the same time.

Now I'm standing in between what I think is about to be a dog fight. I trying to shove a big dog off while keeping the other at bay and thinking "Holy crap! I could get bit right now!" Of course my brain didn't register that "Hey, you're kicking and pushing and they aren't turning on you- they can't be that harmful." Here I am shouting "Stop! Stop!" Like the wacky old lady in her nightgown tells her Chihuahua to quit barking (that is to say- to no avail) while kicking a Weimaraner away, trying to hold Spazzpup still, and making sure the third dog doesn't sneak up on us from the other side.
Then I hear a sound. A screeching, high-frequency, frantic squeal. Where is it coming from? Is someone hurt? Why, no, not at all. It's me. I'm screaming like a complete moron. There's barking, growling, and me screaming.
Two different guys pull over, the neighbor (guy from the gym- great) came out, and then the owner comes running out. By then it was all over. Spazzpup is standing still, ready for play, one dog lost interest and is sniffing a bush next door, and the other dog is wagging her tail.
Now I realize I panicked for nothing. They were most likely just wanting to say hi and my freaking out made the whole situation more stressful. Spazzpup didn't have a hair out of place or a drop of drool on her (which means they likely didn't even bite her). The owner apologized, asked me what happened, checked the gate, and I tucked my spastic tail between my legs. Turns out the dogs are actually puppies (probably 8 months) and still learning how to behave around other dogs.

It was embarrassing. Now I shall be known as that spazz who screams in times of crisis.

Now in my defence, I used to be all open to strange dogs approaching us. Really, I'd stand there and wait for it, but then one day I stood there and the strange dog actually attacked Spazzpup. Ever since I kinda freeze when a strange dog comes at us- I try, I really do, but I get scared. What a wiener.