Friday, August 14, 2009

You blog. They blog. I blog?

Dear diary... mood:apathetic. Oh, has that been done before? My bad.
That's a good opening though, for me at least. It's reflective of who I am: a pessimist.
My first impulse will always be to be sarcastic and cynical and mocking. Especially when it comes to my feelings. A blog is a compilation of my thoughts and emotions put on paper (in this case, obviously it's the interwebs not really paper, but I'm eco-friendly... I digress) and I shudder at the thought of taking my feelings seriously.
I am one of those people I hate who can identify the problem but does little to fix it. So while I am well aware that I have problems confronting my emotions I still let it get in the way of my day-to-day life. Yes, I know it needs to change. I guess that's why I thought up that title for my blog: "Reflect on paper. Then throw it away." Horrific punctuation aside, and a confession that it's 9 in the morning, there's no coffee at the office, and I have zero creativity, I picked that title because it's what I do. I have all of these deep thoughts and do these evaluations of myself and reflect on why I am the way I am. I make vows to make changes and then I never do. So basically I reflect on paper but then I throw it away. I guess you got that.
So here's for a little self-soothing and much needed therapy... which I can't afford so a blog will have to do it.