Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cheese is made from dead babies.

I know. That is quite disturbing news. How ever will you eat pasta again? Probably the same as me: with gusto. I'm making Alfredo sauce from scratch this weekend. I'm excited.
So anyway, I don't' think cheese is really made from dead babies but that's what Butthole said this morning and I thought it was hilarious. He can really make me laugh more than anyone.
Funny things he's said in the past year:
"I'm so gay I should just put on a scarf and start watching Will and Grace"
"Pretty soon we are going to be on the same menstrual cycle"
"On a scale of one to ten..."
Anytime he says "That's what she said."
"I'll have you know I showered a few days ago"
"If I ever meet Organic Chemistry in an alley it better watch it! I'm not tough but I'd bring friends..."
"Life is a fickle bitch"
"Biostatistics is a slut and it can just fuck off"
"Don't think I'm above taking the back of my hand to your face!"
"Holy kids and parents who are freaking stupid batman!"
Etc... I'm pretty sure he'd find it severely creepy that I remember all these things. I am ok with that.