Monday, December 14, 2009

Add 2 dozen cupcakes, 2 dozen muffins, subtract a Butthole, add some more baked goods...

Butthole is gone. Sad face. He came by Thursday night and we hung out til 1:30 AM when we both passed out. Well, we passed out earlier but that's when we woke up so he could leave. We talked on the phone the next night and he texted me up until he had to turn off his phone on the plane on Saturday. He is sooo sweet. That night I woke up in the middle of the night having nightmares about planes crashing- WTF?! He made it ok, though, he e-mailed me this morning. Of course I started work late today and missed him by an hour but it's ok, I'll live. I am going to miss him (already do)!
I've decided that I'm going to keep busy, busy, busy and force time to go by fast. T-Bitch will be seeing a lot of me whether he wants to or not, it's time for Partygirl (Temporary Roommate) and I to start hanging out again, Jewlove will be back in town Saturday which I am super excited about and I'm on a deadline with my Christmas shopping which ought to speed things up (nothing like a deadline to cut time in half).
Friday night after work I went into another massive bake-a-thon for a bake sale for Phatty's dance team. They are renovating the dance room and trying to raise funds. I made all new recipes (except for box brownies but those don't even count). I found a recipe for low-fat banana nut muffins made with no oil or butter that turned out ah-maaaaayyy-zing (like Kelly). I made chocolate cupcakes filled with peanut butter and covered with peanut butter fuge frosting (definitely not low-fat). I made Magic Cookie bars that I'm definitely going to be making again because they are quick, easy and delicious. I also made chewy chocolate drops with chocolate topping. IT all turned out great if I do say so myself.
The recital was great. Nephew performed for the first time and did great- he was so cute up there!
My Christmas shopping is almost done. I'm excited to give everyone their presents!